I met a third year graphics student Steven Cherry when printing my work in uni he saw some of my work and asked me would I like to collaborate with him, he would edit and I would photograph I said yes I'd love to. We met up and discussed the brief it was to create a film poster which we read the script for and we did our research into horror film imagery and font text. The film was called more than meets the eye and Steven stated that he wanted to use an actual eye on the poster and luckily we both agreed to try and not make it cheesy and to try and make it look as original as possible. I suggested making an optical illusion as the plot of the script was of a man who wasn't actually there.
I really enjoyed working with Steven, he taught me allot about photoshop which I didn't know and I think I taught him things about photography he didn't know. I ended up editing a lot of the images- which I felt proud of as I had taken & edited them! The final poster I edited & Steven added the font. It was a great experience and I would love to work with him again in the future as he is inspiring and full of great ideas. It made me aware of time scale on projects and that it was possible to get done a lot in a little time space. We did find it hard to arrange meetings with both of us having other uni commitments, work and a social life but we managed to rearrange, reschedule and fit in all the meetings, worked together and separately. We will definitely stay in contact and hopefully work together again I would highly recommend him as a graphics designer. The Final Poster is finished and I also have other Images to be uploaded at a later date as I am having technical problems of changing them of tiffs to Jpegs!